Friday, September 25, 2009

Blog #2

My first character piece was performed on Wednesday and I was mostly satisfied with how it turned out. The main feedback I received was that it had a cohesive structure, and that some ideas could go on longer or have some more development. This will be tricky, as the structure was the first thing I planned out.. I had feel changes, chord changes, and dynamic growth mapped out in my head as I wanted this to be a relatively short, simple "introduction" to the set of 3 pieces - I then filled in this structure with musical material based around said chords and rhythms. I think it was coherent because the structure flows and works on many levels, but when you break down the individual ideas I ended up putting in, they could definitely be developed more. I am now in a dilemma of whether I want to alter the material so that it sits well in a short, simple piece.. or alter the structure and extend some of these ideas.. or perhaps hint at some of these under-developed ideas in the other two pieces.


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